Introducing: the Explorer Starter Days


Picture this: stepping into a new professional setting, a fresh environment, new energy and opportunity. At SMG, we understand the significance of those initial steps. That's why we've crafted the Explorer Starter Days, an onboarding trademark designed to immerse new joiners into our culture, vision, and diverse business units.

The Purpose Behind the Days

Our goal is to leave an indelible mark on every SMG Explorer’s journey. Explorers is what we internally refer to our employees, to represent everyone’s curious and eager to learn spirit. These days serve as a gateway, instilling not just knowledge but a profound understanding of the bigger picture, fostering the right mindset, and igniting the spark for a purpose-driven voyage within SMG.

Held every two months, our Explorer Starter Days transcend geographical boundaries, embracing our global setup with fully virtual sessions spanning two half days. Whether you’re just stepping through our doors or have been with us for a month, everyone is welcome aboard.

Constant Evolution for Enhanced Experience

Our Explorer Starter Days have evolved over time. We’re committed to enhancing the experience continuously. We’ve bid farewell to sessions that no longer align strategically and introduced other topics that came up short. With the restructuring of departments and the advent of the Communication & Engagement team, we’ve revamped agendas to reflect these changes.

Our most recent transformation was shortening the days to two half-day sessions and introducing an on-demand digital onboarding journey via our e-learning platform, offering flexibility while complementing live sessions. This is something that was very important to us, to enable everyone to enjoy the sessions, without overloading our new employees with too much information.

Ensuring Relevance and Engagement

The litmus test for success? Feedback. We actively seek insights from participants post-event, shaping future iterations based on their candid assessments. Our sessions aren’t mere monologues; they’re interactive forums, incorporating ice-breakers, live Q&A sessions with our Executive Leadership Team, and expectation gathering to ensure maximum engagement and relevance.

Behind the curtain, a dedicated ensemble orchestrates each Explorer Starter Day. From esteemed presenters, including our CEO, to HR Business Partners providing new joiner lists, and the POD (People & Organizational Development)  team managing the entire onboarding journey, every cog in the wheel ensures seamless execution.

Location poses no barrier in our digitally connected world. By conducting sessions virtually, we ensure parity for all, whether joining from Serbia, Vietnam, France, or Switzerland. Timing is key, with sessions scheduled in the first half of the day to accommodate every time zone.

Exploring SMG

The Explorer Starter Days embody more than just an initiation; they’re a testament to our commitment to nurturing talent, fostering connections, and shaping purpose-driven careers. As we continue to evolve, one thing remains constant: our unwavering dedication to crafting memorable beginnings for every SMG Explorer.

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