
More security with two-factor authentication

Rely on the highest security standards with the new two-factor authentication. Increase the security of your data with additional login verification.

MFA adds a second verification layer which makes sure that even if your email address is compromised, the attacker won’t be able to gain access to your UBM account by simply resetting your password. MFA only allows access to the UBM from devices verified by providing a security code, which is stored only on your phone and only accessible from the authenticator app.


How does it work?

What advantages does the product offer you?

Highest safety standards guaranteed
Increase the protection of your data
Protection against phishing attacks

What needs to be done?

To protect your data with the highest security standard, follow these steps:


Enabling MFA for you and your users

a) all UBM admins will find the MFA option in the “user management” section of the UBM.

b) you may choose to activate MFA for yourself, or any of your users from this page. Activating MFA makes it mandatory for that user – they will not be allowed to access the UBM without first setting it up.

c) MFA requires an authenticator app to be installed on the user’s phone. You may choose any of the following (recommended) apps. They are all developed and maintained by very trustworthy large companies and officially supported on many websites and secure locations. An authenticator app is very small (requires little memory), does not bother you with any unwanted notifications, and you only need it briefly – every 30 days – to generate a new security code:

d) MFA can always be disabled in case you or your users are facing difficulties. We are also always ready to help.


MFA first setup:

a) you or your colleagues will receive an email when MFA is enabled, inviting you to activate this security feature.

b) you may also simply log into the UBM and will be prompted to begin the setup. Specific instructions will also be provided directly on that page.


MFA day to day usage

a) after MFA is set up, the first time you log in, you will be asked to provide an authenticator code from the app again.

b) you have the option to remember the device for 30 days, and won’t be asked to enter the code constantly.

c) if you try to access the UBM from another device (a different computer, or directly from your phone), you only need to provide a code from the authenticator app, and will then be allowed to access the UBM on this new device as well.

Download one of the authentication apps:

Microsoft Authenticator

Google Authenticator

Microsoft Authenticator

Google Authenticator

Do you have any questions? We are happy to answer them for you.

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