For real estate professionals in particular, regular property listing is a Sisyphean task that is generally still carried out in analogue form. It is, therefore, a slow, complex and time-consuming process for property managers and agents. AI-based software innovations from Casasoft, in collaboration with IAZI, solve this problem immediately in the first of several steps, thereby increasing efficiency in the property sector.
Despite advancing automation in the real estate industry, listing properties is still generally an analogue process and, therefore, a veritable Sisyphean task. Property managers and agents, just like the layperson at home, must manually enter dozens of property-specific attributes and descriptions into the corresponding data mask online for each individual property before the respective advertisement can be published. This costs time, money and stress and is at the expense of efficiency. These are all resources that could be much better invested in direct dialogue with sellers and home seekers. In addition, this means that the residential properties are placed on the property market later, which in many places is characterised by demand exceeding supply.
More efficient processes thanks to the use of AI
To make this bottleneck in the property marketing process more efficient, Casasoft, which specialises in property management software, and the property consultancy IAZI have joined forces—the common goal: To offer property professionals a better and, above all, faster process. The key to success lies in the combination of a database on residential properties that is unique in the Swiss property landscape and the Casaone customer relationship management (CRM) system tailored to property managers and agents. In combination, this results in new AI-based applications, including a comprehensive AI-trained chatbot, to solve this central problem in marketing properties in Switzerland.
Specifically, thanks to a first new function in Casaone, real estate properties can now be prepared for publication as an online advertisement with just a few clicks. Only the property’s address is required, after which, through the use of specially trained artificial intelligence, all non-confidential information from IAZI’s extensive data set is compiled and incorporated in a process-optimised manner. This can include up to 35 attributes that previously had to be entered individually by hand – or were often not even recorded in the first place.
However, the possibilities of artificial intelligence in the listing process do not end here. In the near future, artificial intelligence will also support the creation of the listing description based on the property data recorded in Casaone, allowing it to be created with just one click. Property professionals will then be able to create and list their properties more efficiently than ever before.
Fewer hurdles improve market supply
By automating key parts of the advertising process, property professionals can not only save time and money in a regularly repeated process but ultimately also stress.. “The new AI-based function from Casasoft creates greater efficiency and makes it possible to focus more resources on the essential aspects of marketing in direct customer contact,” emphasised Martin Waeber, Managing Director Real Estate of the SMG Swiss Marketplace Group. The new AI-based process in Casaone would benefit not only the sellers but also those looking for real estate properties. Waeber continued: “Sellers save time and money, while properties available to those looking come onto the market more quickly and with higher data quality.” This means that both sides can be brought together even faster and more precisely, especially in urban areas with a concentration of process-intensive apartment buildings, emphasised Waeber.

Sebastian Sinemus
Senior Communications Manager Real Estate & Media Spokeperson