Armanda Mura

Ricardo feiert 5 Millionen Mitglieder

Die Community des Schweizer Online-Marktplatzes Ricardo hat kürzlich die 5-Millionen-Marke erreicht. Somit verfügt theoretisch jeder Haushalt in der Schweiz über mindestens ein Ricardo-Benutzerkonto. Die erste

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Demystifying Cybersecurity Threats: An Overview

As businesses and individuals navigate through the interconnected web of technology, understanding cybersecurity threats becomes paramount. In this article, we delve into the basics of cybersecurity threats, their impact, and strategies to mitigate risks, guided by insights from our Group Chief Information Security Officer (Group CISO).

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Introducing: the Explorer Starter Days

Picture this: stepping into a new professional setting, a fresh environment, new energy and opportunity. At SMG, we understand the significance of those initial steps. That’s why we’ve crafted the Explorer Starter Days, an onboarding trademark designed to immerse new joiners into our culture, vision, and diverse business units.

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