Neue Kampagne zeigt: ImmoScout24 ermöglicht das Wohnglück für alle


Die neue schweizweite Werbekampagne von ImmoScout24 dramatisiert den Umfang und Vielfalt des Angebots der Immobilienplattform inhaltlich und visuell auf eine charmante Weise. Kreiert und umgesetzt wurde sie von der Zürcher Kreativagentur “Freundliche Grüsse”.

Auf ImmoScout24 ist das persönliche Wohnglück nie weit entfernt, wie die Immobilienplattform mit einer neuen schweizweiten Werbekampagne auf eine charmante Weise aufzeigt. Dazu wird der Umfang und die Vielfalt des Angebots auf ImmoScout24 inhaltlich und visuell dramatisiert dargestellt. Die Zürcher Kreativagentur “Freundliche Grüsse” hat die Kampagne kreiert und umgesetzt. Die Spots richten sich dabei an Menschen in verschiedenen Lebensphasen – von jungen Paaren über Pendler:innen bis hin zu Naturverbundenen. Und zeigen, dass ImmoScout24 dank der grossen Auswahl für jede dieser Phasen die passende Wohnlösung bietet.

Hier setzt die Kampagne an und arbeitet mit einer simplen und offenen Text- und Erzählform, die Menschen in bestimmten Lebenssituationen mögliche Wohnlösungen präsentiert. In den Filmen steht das Sofa abstrahiert für das Wohnglück. Die Geschichten drehen sich immer auf oder um dieses Möbelstück herum, zu dem in kurzen Szenen des Lebens das individuelle Wohnglück thematisiert wird. Mit einer aufsehenerregenden Kamerafahrt durch die Decke und weiter mit einer Drohnenfahrt über die Häuser hinweg wird auf clevere Art und Weise dramatisiert, dass es noch ganz viele weitere interessante Wohnobjekte gibt, die auf ImmoScout24 zu finden sind.

Die neuen Spots wurden von Joel Cruz umgesetzt, einem jungen Regisseur und Kreativen mit globaler Erfahrung, der die letzten Jahre als creative Mastermind bei Google Tokio gewirkt hat. Die schweizweite Kampagne wird digital über sämtliche Kanäle und Werbemittel ab Anfang September 2024 ausgerollt.

Verantwortlich bei ImmoScout24:
Julia Forjan (Head of Consumer & Private Customer Marketing), Christian Apenzeller (Senior Digital Marketing Manager), Jelena Ristic (Graphic Design), Kristina Milutinovic (Graphic Design), Francesco Corbino (Senior Marketing Strategist), Roger Tschallener (Head of Marketing Strategy & Branding).

Verantwortlich bei Freundliche Grüsse:
Fabian Biedermann, Samuel Textor, Pascal Deville (Gesamtverantwortung), Kevin Zysset (Art Direction), David Elmiger (Text), Sandro Matter, Damian del Fabbro (Beratung), Alessandra Dolci (Produktion), Joel Cruz (Regie), Film und Sound Design: Jonas Steinbacher (DoP), Nicolas Bechtel (Editor), Greg Rosenberger (DubDub Studios).

Sebastian Sinemus
Senior Communications Manager Real Estate & Mediensprecher

[email protected]
+41 79 819 21 50

Marta Andreoni

Head of Design for Automotive

Introduce yourself and your role at SMG

I’m Marta Andreoni, Head of Design at SMG Automotive. I lead the design and UX writing team shaping AutoScout24 user experience. 

In my role, I wear many hats. My main focus is ensuring we stay true to our vision “simplifying people’s lives and connecting humans through innovative digital platforms” and our brand promise, “make it happen”. I challenge my team to think user-first, push for innovation, ease of use for our customers and make forward-thinking decisions, even within business and technological constraints.

 A big part of my role is supporting each designer’s growth, motivation, and career development. Through one-on-one coaching, mentoring, group work, and projects, I help my colleagues set and achieve their goals while fostering new learning opportunities.

What helps you feel empowered and confident in your role?

If I had to mention one thing I would say “being proactive” has been key to feeling more empowered. I enjoy solving problems, so when issues or opportunities arise, be it in the product, market or the team, I get curious and I proactively investigate the reasons and try to bring inputs to be discussed with others, this makes me feel I can be part of the process or solution and my point of view is going to be taken seriously. My optimism also plays a role, giving me confidence that even the most complex challenges can be solved. 

Besides, having trust from other managers and colleagues makes me feel in a safe environment where I can take ownership on topics I’m passionate about. 

What’s one thing SMG does well in fostering an inclusive workplace? What more can be done to amplify and support different perspectives in the workplace?

In my experience, we strive for balancing top-down and bottom-up inputs, ensuring employees can influence product directions, processes, and culture. People are approachable, and our strong feedback culture helps voices be heard. Across SMG, initiatives like regular People & Culture Surveys, topic guilds, and events in our locations across the world foster open exchange and mutual learning.

That said, I’ve noticed that quieter voices sometimes get less space, or interacting with top management can feel intimidating, especially when giving critical feedback. To make participation more inclusive, we could apply more facilitation and group work techniques like structured turn-taking, written input, and smaller group discussions – ensuring everyone, regardless of confidence level, seniority or personality, feels comfortable contributing. 

Design is often about seeing the world differently. How do unique perspectives contribute to more innovative, inclusive, or impactful design?

Design is about understanding diverse user personas and perspectives to create solutions that truly meet their needs or create new opportunities. I believe in the power of collaboration to shape user experiences – bringing together different disciplines, backgrounds, and lived experiences helps challenge assumptions, uncover blind spots, and drive more inclusive, innovative, and impactful solutions.

Looking back on your career, what’s one lesson or piece of advice you wish you had known earlier as a leader in design?

There are three things no one really prepares you for as a design leader: dealing with constant change, facing failure and handling emotions at work. These topics aren’t talked about much until you face them. I was lucky to learn from others’ experiences, but much of it came through my own.

One thing I wish I had understood earlier is the power of emotional intelligence, my job is no longer about the content and the design, it is about people. Self-awareness, not just of your own emotions, but also how others feel and react, can be the difference between conflict and harmony, frustration and clarity. The more I grow as a leader and designer, the more I realise that design isn’t just about doing the design job, delivering solutions on the market: it’s about navigating people, their emotions, and making change more acceptable and transforming issues into opportunities, both within the organisation and through great products.


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